
Showing posts from January, 2018

Yelling At Friends Episode 5 - Gettin’ High and Cuttin’ Up Brains

In this episode , the State of the Podcast is strong. Ryan is likened to a war hero for a non-heroic action, Erin is offended when Ryan calls a group “her people,” and BIRD NEWS, SHARK NEWS, They Are What We Thought They Were, Most Dangerous Clown, and Dearest Reba!

Yelling At Friends Episode 4 - Cornering The Milk Market

In this episode , Ryan and Erin get loose, bring down the patriarchy, talk about high school and college jobs, milk thieves, Iowa, a new segment called They Are Who We Thought They Were, conspiracy theories, Know Your Federalists, GOOP PRICE IS RIGHT, and No Buffets. Boom.

Yelling At Friends Episode 3 - Who Said It? Trump, David Duke, or Strom Thurmond?

In this episode , Erin is near death and Ryan does good accents. They play World's Most Dangerous Clown, where Erin has to guess whether certain quotes are from Trump, David Duke, or Strom Thurmond. More Shark News. Erin went to Buffalo. Ryan rants about the British royal family. Also, Erin has Ryan guess the most common items found in people's butts in 2017.

Yelling At Friends Episode 2 - Monkeys and Deer Cannot Have Babies

In this episode , Ryan makes Erin play Defend Yourself for an absurd claim. She accuses Ryan of knowing too much about interspecies boning. They recruit for Shark-Witness News! correspondents, play World's Most Dangerous Clown, No Buffets, and Dearest Reba. Also, Warren Thibodeaux goes to court for some good ol' fashioned country lawyerin'. And people, stop with the engagement photos.

Yelling At Friends Episode 1 - Ryan's Been Playing Me Love Songs

In this first episode, Erin insults Ryan on his appearance, which he convincingly pins on the Russians,  then they let the citizens of Duluth know if they need a coat, then talk about hat-stealing monkeys, SHARK NEWS, then GOOP Price is Right (featuring a blood-soaked tequila set!), and RANK THEM.